Chinese Medicine


Welcome to Balanced Health, the website for Jana Axelrad, Licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicinal Herbalist. I practice my own unique style of Traditional Chinese Medicine for the modern world combining acupuncture, herbs, moxabustiion, cupping and nutritional counseling.


Healing Intention

It is my goal is to provide safe, relaxing and effective treatment for people of all ages and  for any type of pain or ailment. 

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Pre and Post Natal Services

Studies have shown that acupuncture can help alleviate the severity and length of the labor. I am very excited to help bring little ones into the world naturally! 

Read more to see how acupuncture can help you with your labor and delivery!

Weekly Dispatches

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Our Practice

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We take the stress out of financial planning. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo.

— Blandit Lectus

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A Top 10 Service

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